Aura, Great Kneighton
Winner RIBA East Award 2018
Winner Civic Trust Award 2019
Winner Evening Standard New Homes Award 2016
Winner Housing Design Awards 2013
Following the successful delivery of Phase 1 (Abode), BBUK were invited by Countryside Properties to work with Tate Hindle Architects for Phase 2, or Aura at Great Kneighton which comprises 229 homes over 5.2ha and forms part of the masterplan to develop 2,300 new homes, 40% of which are affordable.
A formal pocket park and community orchard sit in the centre of the site, whilst a more natural linear park runs down the western edge, with an existing hedgerow at its heart. The streets and public spaces have SUDs features, rills, rain gardens and an attenuation pond, incorporated, which contribute towards the play and ecological strategy whilst providing linear street side plantings throughout the site.
BBUK have since been appointed to undertake detail design for a further four parcels of housing on the Great Kneighton site, two of these are complete and two are currently under construction.